That was it so I didn't even bother looking at the fabrics on bolts! Instead after some rummaging I found the awesome scored below!

1m of the peach and .4m of the navy, both Scuba Knit which I used to make my Weetwood skirt!

.5m of hot pink Rayon. I'm thinking a little skirt for a 1st birthday out of it.

1.1m of this knit. Either to practice with or a pj shirt or shorts.

I scored 4m of this sateen which was a cancelled layby. I don't have any plans yet, but sateen? Yes please!

.75m of white ribbing. I wasn't going to leave it when it is normally $12 + a metre!

2m of this, I think its a crepe, but I could be wrong.

1.1 of this rayon. It might have been my favourite fabric in the end. I love the pattern! I'm very glad I took the chance on it because I couldn't see the amazing pattern when it was all folded up!
I also got 1m of white lycra, because who is going to turn down lycra for more than $20 off the RRP. (I thought I had a photo but I obviously don't, so just imagine something white and lycra-y here!)

I also grabbed some zippers and a spool of thread (the thread was also reduced!). That gave me the grand total of $31.94! I think I got a bargin!

What was your favourite fabric bargin?