This quilt was inspired Don't Call Me Betsy's Dresden Stairs quilt. I found it when searching for a quilt to make using the EZ Dresden Ruler and fell in love. It was simple to make but also provided an effective pattern and a different than normal use for the dresden shapes.

The fabric in this quilt is the reprint of Flea Market Fancy by Denyse Schmidt. I separated the colour ways as I felt it gave it a more striking pattern. I only quilted the background fabric in an attempt to feature the other fabric more. It was quilted in a overlapping square pattern.

I pieced my label into the back of the quilt and also featured some of the fabric from the front of the quilt in the back. The main backing fabric was from Spotlight by Prints Charming. The binding was by DS Quilts.
I do really like this quilt and I found that pattern it created was quite effective.
What quilters inspire you?