I sat and flipped through the pattern books and spied Simplicity #1877. I liked the bodice on it and for just over $3 I thought why not.
I got it home and made a muslin, and another out of rayon, but I'm not blogging about either of them today. I had purchased three metres of a lovely teal cotton sateen from Spotlight during one of their 40% off sales (Can you tell I shop there a lot? Most of the girls in Sew know me my name!), with the intention of making a v neck dress with a half circle skirt, so that was what I did.
I simply used the bodice from 1877, a view A, view B has some shoulder ruffles. I cut the skirt longer than I needed to so I could compensate for the rise at the centre of the bodice. I think this worked quite well for it, even if it did waste some fabric. To calculate my circle skirt I have come to rely on the By Hand London Circle Skirt Calculator App. I did have another excel document I downloaded from somewhere but last time I looked it appeared the website had been removed.
Instead of cutting the facings from the pattern I finished the neck, sleeves and skirt with premade black and white gingham bias binding also from Spotlight (sensing a pattern? They don't pay me anything I swear!). Anyway enough rambling, time for some photos.
I really love the contrast the binding adds to it, plus I don't need to worry about facings.

I am also fully aware that the binding on the neckline is not perfect but it's not too bad really.

Again, not prefect but pretty good.

I don't have any photos of it on me (typical) I'll try and add some when I get the chance :)
What volume of circle skirt do you prefer?
Emma :)