Instagram is a wonderful place for connecting with the sewing community and finding inspiration. I've got to credit Sharni from Lyrebird Lamb with the inspiration for this quilt - it all stemmed from seeing her Pete Cromer Tea Towel Quilt on Instagram a few years ago.
When I came accross these city tea towels by Megan McKean tea towels on clearance in Myer a few months ago I knew I needed to make a quilt with them.
I didn't use a pattern for this quilt, just trimmed each tea towel down to about 50x50cm and places them in a 3x3 placement. I did have an extra three but the colours and size wasn't doing it for me.
Overally, I'm really happy with how this turned out, its lovely to have another quilt to snuggle under - not that its needed at the moment! I was binding this quilt in nearly 30 degree weather, which was not ideal. But I feel like thats become my thing at this stage, if I'm not trying to finish of quilt WIPs in January who even am I?