I love sewing little girl things! They are so fun and you can normally go a little over the top and use fun colours and fabrics that I can't really wear (Case and point Ice Cream Playsuit - also given to the recipient on the weekend!).
I made a super simple pair of leggings, using this amazing free pattern from Toddah.net. I didn't really follow the tutorial, I'm a little fussy about the hems on pants I make and prefer to do them the traditional way.

I used a scrap of knit fabric that I had left over from a dress I made. Reason #1575 I love making baby clothes is the ability to use scrap fabrics!
I also made a little full circle skirt out of some hot pink rayon. I used a frilly elastic to add some interest and a fancy stitch on the hem to create a scalloped effect.

I think they look adorable together and should be prefect coming into winter.

I was worried they would be too small but I was pleased when I was assured they would!