I'm pretty excited about this week! Susan over at Measure Twice Cut Once is holding her second Everyone Deserves Pretty Knickers Sewing Week! I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty excited!
I recently bought the blue bra making kit from Susan and I can't wait for it to arrive! Hurry up Australia Post!
I'm now just tossing up which pattern I want to use for my first bra, I'm leaning towards either the Jasmine or the Brigitte bralette by Ohhh Lulu. Though in reality I think both might be the perfect answer! I've already used one of Sarah's pattern before and I found it well written and quite comfy to wear.
My plan for this week is to finish up the pile of Grace undies I have that just need hemming/elastic added and then then cracking into my bra.
I find the idea of making my own undergarments really quite interesting. I can indulge my more feminine side and use for trial and error to create things I love. I'm quite keen to get started!
I've included a little collage below of some of the things I've seen around that are inspiring me this week...

I'm really digging Sarah's style in case you hadn't noticed ;), I mean a sequined bra and knickers set! In the interests of full disclosure the top left photo is on its way to me now. I mean navy lace, resistance was futile!
Are you joining in Because Everyone Deserves Pretty Knickers Sewing Week?